11 Kan
All Things Rise
In the Spiraling Currents
Of Evolutionary Vision
Maltiox Ahau Nahual Junlajuj Kan
All Things Rise
In the Spiraling Currents
Of Evolutionary Vision
Maltiox Ahau Nahual Junlajuj Kan
Fiery Breath of Spirit Cleans Out the Old Awakens the New Maltiox Ahau Nahual Kahib Kan
Winds of Gratitude Fill the Sails of Our Hearts Carry the Ship of Our Lives Homeward Bound Clear Course Into the Sun Maltiox Ahua Nahual Hun Iq
Sacred Heart of Humanity Your Every Expression Feeds the Eternal Flame Maltiox Ahau Nagual Job Kan Feathered Serpent – Kundalini – Rising Flame Heart of freedom, choice, drama, order, chaos – this is the sacred duality that is the love and substance of all creation. This is the source of the fires that burn eternally….
Every Expression An Offering Igniting the Fires of Creation Illuminating Sacred Vision Maltiox Ahau Nahual Wajxiqib Toj
Love Is the Timeless Offering That Blossoms Out Of The Eternal NOW Maltiox Ahau Nagual Belejeb Toj Offering, Ceremonial Fire Every expression an offering to the sacred fires of creation. Originating from the primal ocean of potential, and flowering in perfect harmony with all creation. Let us be conscious what we are offering, and give only the…
Mother Nature Elixir of Our Soul Your Limitless Potential Is the Magic Of Creation May We Walk in Grace As Emissaries of Your Heart Upon the Sacred Altar of Mother Earth Maltiox Ahau Nagual Jun Ix Today is the first day of the Ix 13 Day Trecena. The mighty jaguar emerges from the darkness, walking gracefully as an extension…