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All Creation
Is Moved By Grace
All Creation
Is Moved By Grace
Honor, Respect, and Allow Knowledge of Self To Illuminate from Within The Sun of Our Soul Lights the Way Maltiox Ahau Oxib Noj
Magic Is the Unlimited Possibility Of Applied Self Knowledge Maltiox Ahau Nagual Kahib Noj Today the energy of the Ix trecena has become a stable moving force – ushering all things towards art of creation. Noj is a nagual of the Earth, and knowledge. It is the sacred science of creation, and encourages us to…
Allow the Voice of Our Ancestors To Unravel the Winding Passageways Of Time & Space Into the Timeless Presence of a Whole Heart Maltiox Ahau Nahual Job Kame
Sacred Heart Vision Seed of Light Nurtured by All Creation You are Source, Process, and Destiny Maltiox Ahau Jun Qanil
Walk in GraceTogether We Weave Our Unique DestinyInto the Tapestry of Infinity Maltiox Ahau Nahual Lajuj Batz
May the Winds of the Silent Heart Blow Out the Cobwebs of Time In Fulfillment of Sacred Duty Our Ships Carried to the Shores of the Timeless Maltiox Ahau Nahual Oxib K’at