Learn More… The Process 1. Clarify Your Vision 2. Disentangle from the Language of Limitation – Shift perspective / beliefs to reflect a reality of Wholeness 3. Reclaim Your Sovereignty and Bring Forth Your Unique Light (Your Vision) Into This World The Wholeness Perspective ONE Creator Sovereign Timeless Formless Infinite Desire for more or less creates inner conflict with what is Make peace with what is GOAL : Realize Presence Creation Interdependent Time / Space Form Conditioned Elements -archetypical patterns of consciousness Imbalance = Dis-Ease Balance = Health, Happiness, Harmony What You Give Attention To -> Grows GOAL : Actualize Purpose EFFORT Physical Instrument of perception & expression needs to be clean Nutrition Hydration Breath Movement Rest Detox Emotional Forgive & Find Gratitude Mental Examine / Re-Pattern Beliefs Spiritual Clarify Your Vision Daily Attunement Practice Listen to Intuitive Guidance Live with Integrity I can only inspire your self initiation into realizing your own freedom / wholeness Disentangle yourself from the languages of limitation Its up to you to choose your own sovereignty Schedule a Free Discovery Call