4 Tijax
Silent Light
Between Day and Night
Forge the Balanced Edge of Truth
That Cuts Away Obstacles
Maltiox Ahau Nahual Kahib Tijax
Silent Light
Between Day and Night
Forge the Balanced Edge of Truth
That Cuts Away Obstacles
Maltiox Ahau Nahual Kahib Tijax
Peace Forever the Heart of Truth Maltiox Ahau Nahual Kablajuj Kame
Sacred Altar of The Radiant Moment As We Walk With Care Humility & Gratitude May Grace Lift Us to Whole Equal Vision Maltiox Ahau Nahual Oxlajuj Ix
Sacred Universal Fires All Creation Your Countless Eyes, Ears, Noses, Mouths and Skin Your Will the Insatiable Conflagration Consuming All Time & Space Rise Up & Dance Amongst the Flames Maltiox Ahau Kaheeb Toj
All Creation Is Moved By Grace
Love Is the Timeless Offering That Blossoms Out Of The Eternal NOW Maltiox Ahau Nagual Belejeb Toj Offering, Ceremonial Fire Every expression an offering to the sacred fires of creation. Originating from the primal ocean of potential, and flowering in perfect harmony with all creation. Let us be conscious what we are offering, and give only the…
Where Love Meets Love Creation is Born Maltiox Ahau Nahual Lajuj Ak’Abal