1 Imox
Your Vastness
Is the Essence of All That We Are
Maltiox Ahau Nagual Jun Imox
Your Vastness
Is the Essence of All That We Are
Maltiox Ahau Nagual Jun Imox
All Creation Is Moved By Grace
Love Is the Unifying Spirit That Brings All Things Together The Invisible Light That Silently Embraces All Things In the Divine Dance of Day and Night Two Are Always One Maltiox Ahau Nahual Kieb Ak’Abal
Sacred Heart of Humanity Your Every Expression Feeds the Eternal Flame Maltiox Ahau Nagual Job Kan Feathered Serpent – Kundalini – Rising Flame Heart of freedom, choice, drama, order, chaos – this is the sacred duality that is the love and substance of all creation. This is the source of the fires that burn eternally….
Magic Is the Unlimited Possibility Of Applied Self Knowledge Maltiox Ahau Nagual Kahib Noj Today the energy of the Ix trecena has become a stable moving force – ushering all things towards art of creation. Noj is a nagual of the Earth, and knowledge. It is the sacred science of creation, and encourages us to…
Stand Tall and Upright Uniting Heaven & Earth We Are the Sacred Corn Bowing to the Light of the Timeless Center Forever Renewed in Grace Maltiox Ahau Nahual Kablajuj Aj
Equal Vision Illuminates the Timeless Journey Imagination is the Power of Creation Maltiox Ahau Nagual Tzi’Kin Allow vision to carry you through ups and downs, the past present and future – its the journey, and the Eagle soars above gazing upon the vast landscape of time and space. Maintain perspective and allow the eagle to…