8 Toj
Every Expression An Offering
Igniting the Fires of Creation
Illuminating Sacred Vision
Maltiox Ahau Nahual Wajxiqib Toj
Every Expression An Offering
Igniting the Fires of Creation
Illuminating Sacred Vision
Maltiox Ahau Nahual Wajxiqib Toj
Mystery of Creation All Flows Together In Perfect Peace Maltiox Ahau Nahual Lajuj Kat
Walk in GraceTogether We Weave Our Unique DestinyInto the Tapestry of Infinity Maltiox Ahau Nahual Lajuj Batz
May the Winds Uplift & Carry The Soaring Eagle In A Flight of Freedom Maltiox Ahau Nahual Jun Tzi’kin
Mother Nature Elixir of Our Soul Your Limitless Potential Is the Magic Of Creation May We Walk in Grace As Emissaries of Your Heart Upon the Sacred Altar of Mother Earth Maltiox Ahau Nagual Jun Ix Today is the first day of the Ix 13 Day Trecena. The mighty jaguar emerges from the darkness, walking gracefully as an extension…
Balanced Happy Heart Transparent Ocean Waters of Peace The Lens of the Infinite Receiving Ever Changing Vision of Wholeness Transcends That Which It Reflects Maltiox Ahau Nahual Oxlajuj Imox
Love Is the Unifying Spirit That Brings All Things Together The Invisible Light That Silently Embraces All Things In the Divine Dance of Day and Night Two Are Always One Maltiox Ahau Nahual Kieb Ak’Abal