Journey of Wholeness

Journey of Wholeness

Life is a meditation, its a study… Every activity, even as simple as watching a movie is also part of the intricate process of self remembering. Lessons come from every angle… Whatever lesson the soul is focusing upon, that is the greater context for all experience (this is not always conscious). All is intelligence. The…

Shifting Core Beliefs Part 1: Inventory of Identity

Shifting Core Beliefs Part 1: Inventory of Identity

Introduction to Beliefs All is universal energy. As unlimited creators constantly give birth to our reality, nearly infinite times every moment. Our belief system acts as the birthing chambers for this universal energy, and creates the living breathing reality in which we are. This goes from the most simple things to the most complex. Everything from…

Raw Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Raw Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Crust: 2.5 cups Walnuts – any type of nut will work, you may also use coconut flakes, walnuts contain natural oils that hold the crust together well 1/4 Cup Walnuts for Powder (Optional) – so the crust doesn’t stick to the pie dish 1.5 Cups Dates – remove seeds and chop 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil…

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