Shining the Light of the Spiritual Warrior

Shining the Light of the Spiritual Warrior

By Ram Krishan Singh The Age of Information Today we literally have all of humanity’s knowledge at our fingertips, available instantaneously. Upon the world stage dramas are playing out, walls of dishonesty and separation are coming to the light as they start to come down—all reflecting the transformations within the collective psyche of humanity.   The…

Journey of Wholeness

Journey of Wholeness

Life is a meditation, its a study… Every activity, even as simple as watching a movie is also part of the intricate process of self remembering. Lessons come from every angle… Whatever lesson the soul is focusing upon, that is the greater context for all experience (this is not always conscious). All is intelligence. The…

7 Ajpu

7 Ajpu

Day or Night The Triumphant Sun Shines On Maltiox Ahau Nagual Wakub Ajpu The center of this 13 day Tracena – 7 is a number of peace and neutrality.  This is a day to allow peace to shine from the center of every moment.  See our source in All things – allow the formless Ultimate Truth to Shine through…

4 Noj

4 Noj

Magic Is the Unlimited Possibility Of Applied Self Knowledge Maltiox Ahau Nagual Kahib Noj Today the energy of the Ix trecena has become a stable moving force – ushering all things towards art of creation. Noj is a nagual of the Earth, and knowledge.  It is the sacred science of creation, and encourages us to…

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